Big Question: How Do your food choices impact on your body and health?websites

Healthy food

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Big Question: How Do your food choices impact on your body and health?

WAL about our first deep understanding which is:
How do food choices help our bodies to develop and grow in a healthy way?
  • Mrs Joblin is a health nurse and she came to help us find out which foods are healthy. Arahi
  • Healthy food gives us strength and energy.  Cain
  • Vegetables and fruits are good for us.  Erika
  • We only get energy from food.  Anneliese
  • Bright coloured food makes us want to eat it.  Diego
  • Mrs Joblin helped us inquire how many caloires are in some food.  Mekaela
  • A small packet of salted peanuts has the same amount of salt as a large bag of chips.  Mat
  • Coke can help stop diahorrea. Ella
  • Food with only natural sugars such as apples are healthy.  Lucas
  • We learnt that without healthy food our muscles wouldn't be strong and our brains wouldn't develop well.  Dominic

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