Big Question: How Do your food choices impact on your body and health?websites

Healthy food

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Middle Team Food Experiment (Alana)

We made a pyramid on our floor and all the middle team filled it with food in the three areas of the food pyramid.
  1. Eat lots
  2. Eat some
  3. Eat less
We had lots of wonderings about where each food should go and applied some of the new knowledge that Mrs Joblin had shared with us.
Lucas said he wondered how such a small packet of peanuts could have so much sugar and salt in them.

Big Question: How Do your food choices impact on your body and health?

WAL about our first deep understanding which is:
How do food choices help our bodies to develop and grow in a healthy way?
  • Mrs Joblin is a health nurse and she came to help us find out which foods are healthy. Arahi
  • Healthy food gives us strength and energy.  Cain
  • Vegetables and fruits are good for us.  Erika
  • We only get energy from food.  Anneliese
  • Bright coloured food makes us want to eat it.  Diego
  • Mrs Joblin helped us inquire how many caloires are in some food.  Mekaela
  • A small packet of salted peanuts has the same amount of salt as a large bag of chips.  Mat
  • Coke can help stop diahorrea. Ella
  • Food with only natural sugars such as apples are healthy.  Lucas
  • We learnt that without healthy food our muscles wouldn't be strong and our brains wouldn't develop well.  Dominic